Clear & Transparent Pricing

All the environmental data of your territory, in one and only pricing.

More than 30 communities monitor their territory with Meteory. Join us and start to take data driven decisions. If you represent a different entity, french or from another country, please contact us directly.

building iconTerritorial Monitoring Plan

Tailor for PCAET, PLU, ZAN, et environmental monitoring.

    Includes :
  • Real-time data access ;
  • More than 20 environmental datasets ;
  • Custom reporting ;
  • 24/7 customer support.
ESA BICGoogle CloudAWSKoppertNational ForestShamrock VenturesHeartfelt_Mauges CommunautéVal de Garonne AgglomérationGrand LongwyG2AESA BICGoogle CloudAWSKoppertNational ForestShamrock VenturesHeartfelt_Mauges CommunautéVal de Garonne AgglomérationGrand LongwyTerre Valse Rhône l'IntercoG2AESA BICGoogle CloudAWSKoppertNational ForestShamrock VenturesHeartfelt_Mauges CommunautéVal de Garonne AgglomérationGrand LongwyTerre Valse Rhône l'IntercoG2A
Subscription details

Datasets included :



Monitoring the evolution of hedges is something very important. They give a view on the health of a territory at a very fine scale and help understand how it has been evolving.



Satellite data provides real-time monitoring of land cover changes, offering crucial insights into the pressures on terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity.


Carbon Biomass

The carbon biomass indicator enables you to understand the carbon balance of forests and wooded ecosystems that are essential for climate regulation, and provide you with their carbon storage capacity.


Carbon Soil

Essential data on carbon sequestration, enable precise tracking of carbon levels and fluctations through time.



We collect the data from energy providers to deliver the figures about consumption, but also energy production of the territories. This dataset is provided per year, and by sector.


Heat Island

Urban heat monitoring offers insights into temperature variations in urban areas, providing valuable data to address the pressing issue of urban heat islands and their impacts.



All historical floods are available as well as an advanced model predicting incoming floods within the next 30 days.



Using climate data, hydric stress and vegetation type, we can predict how fire spread and which areas are at high risk.


Hydric Stress

Monitoring the hydric stress of a territory enables collectivities to anticipate potential droughts, and so forth best preserve vegetation, agriculture, and forests.

Our platform


Mockup of Meteory Platform
advantage iconIntuitive

A clear, simple and easy to use interface.

advantage iconCustomisable

Visualise, configure, and download your data from our platform user space.

advantage iconFast Client Support

Any question will be adressed in less then 24 hours.

advantage iconSecurity

Meteory assure the anonymisation and the protection of his users data.

Interested ?Contact usor book a demo !

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